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Data Contributed

Description1) Lightning: contains lightning data detected by the Earth Networks Total Lightning Network (ENGLN). 2) Weather: contains historical weather data, including temperature, humidity, wind, and precipitation data.
TimeLightning: 2009/2010 - Present (depending on location). Weather: From as early as the 1990's, depending on location.
Granularity1) Lightning: each data point is a lightning strike, 2) Weather: variable resolution (from every 5 minutes to hourly)
Data StructureCSV
Access MethodAmazon S3 application or CSV
Technical Documentation
Terms & ConditionsWe ask any researcher to agree to the following terms for data usage: I would like to gain your acknowledgement and agreement of the following: 1. We will provide historical weather or lightning data in a CSV format to assist with your work. 2. I, and all members of my research team, will use the data for research purposes only. 3. I, and all members of my research team, will not share or re-distribute the data with third parties. 4. I, and all members of my research team, will provide proper attribution to Earth Networks in all papers, presentations, and proposals making use of Earth Networks data.

For over 20 years, we’ve been Taking the Pulse of the Planet® using the world’s largest weather, lightning and greenhouse gas monitoring networks. Our sensors across the planet keep businesses and governments informed, updated and alerted. Our Connected Savings offering taps weather and connected home data for improved energy efficiency. Enterprises like schools, airports, professional sports teams, utilities, and government agencies rely on our early warning solutions to safeguard lives, prepare for weather events and optimize operations.